March 5, 2013

Time to Revamp Your Container Designs?

A great way to spruce up your patio is to update your containers.  I am definitely feeling the need to tackle a few of my containers.  It is important to set up your containers for success.

Begin with choosing the plant that will be your focal point, such as a dwarf tree, shrub or grass.  Evergreen plants look better all four seasons. Dwarf trees and shrubs work well because they are compact, slow growing and lend themselves to pruning. Dwarf conifers are a great option for more formal gardens and very low maintenance  You need to think through the amount of sun in the location of the container and if the plants can handle this amount of sun. Next select your perennials or annuals to compliment your focal point. Many perennials can take over the container so keep this in mind. You can cluster containers and have the focal point in one container and perennials and annuals in the other containers.

You have heard me before about the importance of soil but I will continue my mantra and encourage you to spend a few extra dollars for high quality planting soil.  Opt for potting mixes that get their nutrients from compost instead of synthetic fertilizer that has nitrogen and will accelerate growth causing over crowding.  Make sure not to fill the container to the brim with soil and leave 1-2 inches.  This allows water to soak in gradually and prevents overflowing.

Root competition is the most overlooked threat to potted plants.  If you have a plant that did not thrive last year you might consider trimming its roots. You need to prune their roots every two years.  To prune the roots moisten the soil and lay the container on its side to slide out the root ball of your dormant plant.  Use a small root pruning saw, pruners or gardening knife to sheer off roughly a third of the root ball. Repot the plant using fresh potting soil.

It is important to water and fertilize regularly to keep plants alive and healthy.  Drip for container plants is optimal but not always easy to set up.  It is a great excuse to get in your garden and enjoy it.  Have fun being creative with your containers.  It is hard for me to recommend plants without assessing the situation. Sunset online has lots of great ideas you can explore for inspiration.