Lettuce- Incredibly easy and great for salads. They grow really fast and you can try lots of varieties throughout the growing season. The biggest mistake is not harvesting them in time and they get dried out.
Tomatoes- Needs full sun, great soil and water. More details about tomatoes to follow.
Zucchini- It needs extra space or can be trained on a trellis. You will be surprised how many zucchini one plant can produce. Think Italy and fried zucchini blossoms at home.
Chives- They are really easy to maintain and you just trim it and it keeps growing.
Basil- You need to pinch the flowers off to make it become fuller. I place them between the thyme and oregano and the pest problems seem to decline. Last year, I tried purple basil which was excellent.
Thyme- Lots of varieties to choose from and really easy year around. They have a lovely flower and can be placed anywhere. Some formal gardens use it as a border.
Oregano- A great herb for cooking and available year around. Last year, I had so much from three plants that I was thinking I was going to need to set up a booth at a farmers market.
Rosemary- you only need one since they can grow so big over the years. I only have one tucked in a corner and it is 3 ft tall and used year around.
Strawberries- These usually don’t make it into the house in my house because I am snacking on them on the way in. They produce year after year if there are no frost issues.